Monday, November 06, 2006


It's easy to tell from my Blog that I am a Liberal. Proud of it. This year (and usually) that means I vote Democrat because they are the progressive party. It's been the progressives that have brought us powerful change for the future, while strongly maintaining human rights, and a purposeful drive to care for the poor.

To me Republicans have, especially of late with the Bush fiasco, been for

  • tax cuts for the rich,
  • diminishing civil rights for the people,
  • privatization of government programs that have worked for years, such as Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, and the like (creating profiteering opportunities for businesses)
  • nation building (Iraq and Afghanistan, neither of which are stable), and
  • creating a state similar to that which we have read about in Orwell's "1984" and Huxley's "Pala Island". Welcome Big Brother!

We are on the verge of losing life AND LIBERTY as we have known it. The pursuit of life, liberty and happiness can only be afforded by the middleclass and up, and the middleclass is quickly losing its footing. Government is on the verge of becoming the true "Big Brother" and the masses are becoming unnecessary.

  • We don't need huge numbers of people for the military.
  • We don't need huge numbers of people for manufacturing.
  • We don't need huge numbers of people for farming.

Computerization, robotics, and efficient machines have taken more jobs than we can count. Jobs outsourcing and illegal aliens have taken a further toll. With nothing but a paradigm in economic theory, the rich won't need people much at all. I suggest that with the globalization of business, that paradigm in economic thinking is already beginning to happen.

The rich believe they are carrying the weight of the poor. They are carrying the weight of the financial responsibilities of the Nation. Their taxes are paying the bulk of the bills of the Nation. In other words, it is their financial power and their dollars that are carrying us. Now, since there is no longer a need for huge numbers of people, and since there is an exponential growth of the population, the very wealthy are worried that the world system will blow up, and they will "lose it all". In my opinion, I don't believe either political party is concerned with this coming change. With all this power, I repeat here a saying I first heard in 1970 from Bill King:


Of course, these are only my musings. They may be wrong - BUT, they may be right. Just like the Tylenol commercial says
Stop. Think.
It takes a little work to research the candidates and the causes, but it is so necessary. Our FUTURE depends on our willingness to do it. I recommend that you start with the National Party websites, then look at neutral "watchdog" websites (if you don't have Internet access - try the library, it's free). So DO IT, THEN GO OUT AND VOTE. Of course I hope you'll vote with me. Still, the point is VOTE. Get involved. It's your future too.

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