Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"Bush's Brain" Can't Do Math

I listened to National Public Radio last week as Karl Rove was being interviewed at "Radio Day" held under a large tent on the Whitehouse grounds. Among other things, Rove said:
  • "Politics is a complex equation."
  • "I'm looking at 68 polls a week. You may be looking at 4."
  • "I'm looking at all the races. I'm looking at all these and they add up to a Republican House and a Republican Senate."
  • "You may end up with different math, but you're entitled to your math and I'm entitled to the math."

After yesterday's election, the results show a very different end than what Rove's math predicted. I'm suspecting all of Rove's rhetoric was spin, or he just doesn't get the New Math.

Admittedly, Rove has planned some brilliant politics and election schemes. However, just like in the movie when someone says "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain," the curiosity of the Nation becomes too great and we look behind that curtain. We've seen lies, spin, partial truths, bait and switch, and smoke and mirrors about everything from reasons to go to war in Iraq, how things are going in Iraq, to congress abdicating power to the President, and on, and on, and on. The Nation has sensed that our leaders are simply no longer trustworthy. To that end, the Nation spoke in a unified and loud voice at the ballot box. NO MORE. No longer will the people be satisfied with dishonest, mean and angry leaders who do not have the best interests of the Nation at heart. No longer will the people be satisfied with business as usual in Washington D.C.. No longer will the people be satisfied with laws written by Corporate America. No longer will the people be satisfied with "Stay The Course". It's time for the change we have voted for. It's not a "new start", it's a lateral shift in thinking. The Nation can't start over because we have a set of National circumstances that must be dealt with.

  • Unaffordable Health Insurance
  • Rising costs of College tuition
  • Prescription drugs without pharmaceutical bidding and competition
  • The war in Iraq
  • The war in Afghanistan
  • Proper equipment and gear for our military
  • The lobby scandals
  • The Culture of Corruption
  • An unbalanced budget and Pork Barrel spending
  • Unfair tax breaks for the wealthy and corporate America
  • A polarized nation
  • and more
So, what's the answer? BIPARTISAN ACTION ON BEHALF OF THE NATION! It's time for open and honest debate concerning the state of the Nation with all effort being put forth to work for the best interests of the Nation. America and be well again! America can regain the international respect we once held with utmost care. During World War II when comic books created such heroes as Superman, we heard a lot about Truth, Justice and the American Way. I think, as corny as it sounds, it is time we got back to that kind of sincere, heartfelt and humbling work, seeking


Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

I like the blog. You have really touched on a lot of my concerns as well. As a flaming independent I am hoping (probably optimistically) that the shift in congressional power will mean that stuff will actually start getting done.

At this point it sure seems like we need to do what we can to support the military. I hope the more liberal congress will look at retooling spending and concentrate on figuring out a way to make military service more appealing for young people, and keep the talented service memebers in, if thats what they so choose. I can tell you one thing.....if when the time comes for any future children of mine to consider military service, I will point to the current troubles and ask them to make darn sure that they are willing to die for someone else's dogma. All it takes is a generation of pissed off former service members telling anyone who will listen, how much the government screwed them over (ie. keeping people in past their term of service to keep up the numbers). This war such as it is, will pretty much guarantee a certain percentage of the coming generations who will never serve because their parent, relative, friend etc. got fucked by the government.

Again, good to see you online.

~Kirsten L.

The Incredible Link said...

I'd personally like to see the U.S. return to a draft. Drafts are fair and give equal opportunity to the rich and poor to serve. When the wealthy have their own children on the line, decision makers make different consideration for taking us to war. It's amazing to see.