Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Beware and Be Prepared for Radical Republican Media Blitzes

As Democrats, we must be informed, not only in our own candidates and issues, but also what is happening in the Republican camp. Note that all Republicans are evil or bad. They are not. But there is a group that came into power with Snoot Gingrich. These folks have little or no conscience. They lie; create phony evidence to promote their causes. They smear opponents with lies, half-truths and made up BS. The Radical Republican objective is to eradicate, kill, or destroy, not just push their opponents aside.

For example: I was watching an interview on MSNBC Hardball’s Chris Mathews with Kate Obenshain during which she berated Hillary Clinton. Obenshain was listed as a member of the radical Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute (CBLPI). I decided to research Obenshain and CBLPI to see why she would speak so negatively about Hillary Clinton, and also state that she would “never vote for a Democrat”. Well, the first thing I noted on the CBLPI website was a story written by Miriam Grossman, MD, in which Dr.(?) Grossman states that Media Mum on Oral Sex and Throat Cancer Risk Among Kids”. I could not believe my eyes. Oral sex is now being blamed for throat cancer among CHILDREN?

Grossman also has her op-ed piece on The Media Research Center website, which is nothing short of a Republican Propaganda Machine. L. Brent Bozell III is president of the MRC as well as the Parents Television Council, and the Conservative Communications Center.

To learn more about Bozell, see his Biography at: http://www.mrc.org/bios/lbb/welcome.asp

A taste of the Media Research Center’s work can be found at:http://www.mrc.org/archive/realitycheck/welcome.asp and the website illustrates the total Radical Right Wing Propaganda machine for what it is.

In checking out the entire story which was on the CBLPI website at http://www.cblpi.org/resources/article.cfm?ID=165. Now, I’m not one to give up so easily, and seeing that Dr. Grossman is connected with CNSNews.com, I thought I should see where that leads, and at the bottom of their homepage I found Dr. Grossman’s story under “Commentary”.

(It should be noted that Miriam Grossman is a senior fellow with the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, and therefore does her part to further their agenda.)

Other great stories listed on CNSNews.com were:

Just look at these titles! Could these stories be anything less than Right Wing BS Propaganda. It makes me wonder “Who could read and believe this tripe?” I don’t know anyone personally, but I know there are hundreds of thousands of people who do just that. They’re the same people who listen to Rush Limbaugh (and other Right Wing Radio Spewers) and believe everything they say. They’re the same people who watch Fox Noise (News), especially Bill O’Reilly (Oh’really), Hannity and Combs and all the rest of that Right Wing BS flinging machine They’re the same ones who watch Tucker Carlson and believe he knows what he’s saying (he is actually the Master of Spin, being trained in debate). The truly sad thing is, I believe Carlson knows the truth, he just enjoys the spin and like so many Republicans, doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process. None of these radio personalities and TV “Political Pundits” bother to check for the minimum journalistic requirement of responsibility – there needs to be two people to collaborate a story. They don’t seem to even to check the basic voracity of truth in what they say. They just spit out whatever they are told by the Republican Propaganda and Spin Machine. For these folks, truth is optional.

July 02 NBC’s Queen of GreenHosts ‘Live Earth’ Today News Anchor Ann Curry Has History of Sappy Promotion of Celebrity Environmentalists

June 11 TV’s Paltry, Left-Leaning Immigration News MRC Study: After Celebrating Immigration Bill’s Debut, ABC, CBS and NBC Mostly Ignored the Debate

May 15 The Media Before the War: Facts vs. Liberal Mythology For Months Prior to Start of Iraq War, Big Media Highlighted Anti-War Arguments, Doubted Bush Administration Claims

May 07 The Two Debates: MSNBC’s Liberal Agenda MSNBC’s Matthews Emphasizes Liberal Questions at GOP Debate: Is Bill Clinton Good for America?

April 19 Morning TV’s One-Sided Climate Crusade Study: ABC, CBS and NBC Push Global Warming Alarmism, Purge Skeptics and Hide Economic Costs

March 23 Ten Years Ago, Subpoenas Drew TV Yawns When Team Clinton Was Subpoenaed, Reporters Found “Hard-Charging Partisans” Wasting Tax Money

March 14 Mass Amnesia Over Mass Clinton Firings ABC, CBS, CNN, FNC, NBC Morning Interviews With Gonzales All Skip “March Massacre” of 1993


January 31 “Peace Surge” Trumps Abortion Protest Big Three Networks Gloss Over Pro-Life March, But Send Excited Reporters to Boost Anti-War Rally

January 11 TV’s Pre-Emptive War Against Iraq “Surge” Before Iraq Plan Unveiled, Reporters Said It Was Unpopular, Wouldn’t Work & War Was “Lost Cause”

January 05 Ten Years of Matt Lauer’s Liberal Bias Today Co-host Has Rued America’s War On Terror, Pushed Gun Control and Touted Clinton’s Greatness

My point in all of this is that while Republicans scream about the liberal media bias, the fact of the matter is that anyone who does not fully support the Radical Republican Media Bias are Liberal Media. The problem with all of this should be evident by now. We as Democrats and moderate or liberal Independents must not only know what we believe in and how to speak to those beliefs, but we must fearlessly research what the Republican Media Machine is saying and be able to expose the machine for what it is – lies, deceit, and made up hooey designed to promote the cause of the Radical Republicans and the Big Businesses that support them.

Beware, be aware, be informed, BE ACTIVE!

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