Thursday, November 09, 2006

Posturing, Posturing, Posturing

If you ask a McDonald's Restaraunt owner what are the three most important considerations when opening a new store, she will tell you "Location, Location, Location!" The political version of merchandising is "Posture, Posture, Posture!"

The President has postured himself as now being willing to make certain changes and conditions conducive to bipartisanism. For example, Bush's firing of Rumsfeld demonstrated that he now get's the idea that the Nation is not the least bit pleased with his Iraq policies and all that goes with them.

Speaker Elect Pelosi has been posturing as a bipartisan leader. She is posturing herself as a Speaker who will not seek the impeachment of Bush, nor wisely seek an immediate exodus out of Iraq. Collin Powell said it best when he said, "You break it, you fix it." As a Nation we're stuck with this mess.

Republicans are posturing themselves as humble. After six years of locking the Democrats out, they are now eager to reach across the aisle.

Democrats are posturing themselves as now having power, but willing to share that power in a bipartisan effort to get some things accomplished for the Nation.

So far there has been talk, talk, talk, and posture, posture, posture. This is all well and good but it doesn't mean a damn thing, yet. America is eagerly waiting to see if the words and postures we see in Washington are going to translate into real bipartisan action on the issues that matter to the people.

I'm hoping it's not all rhetoric, but the elected acting with the integrity expected of men and women who hold office!

We're cheering for you Washington. Make us proud!

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