The GOP would have us all believe that the Dems are more liberal than the Nation can possibly allow; that liberals are for quitting Iraq, raising taxes, condoms for kids, clean air, hugging tress, quality education, killing babies, as well as a variety of other things which the GOP would paint as “evil”. That is to say that Liberals are just too evil to be allowed power in government.
Let’s look at George Bush’s top two election issues:
Quitting Iraq – the GOP has called the Dems the Party of Cut and Run, while they call themselves the Party of Stay the Course. That staying the course is good for the Nation.
The Bush Policy has increased the number of terrorists, making the US less safe.
The Bush policy says that it’s ok to listen in on our phone calls with out court permission. The Bush policy says that Bush can declare anyone an enemy combatant without evidence. The Bush policy say that Bush can order you held without writ of habeas corpus, which means you don’t get to talk to a lawyer, and you don’t get a trial. The Bush policy says that while you’re being held, you can be tortured.
Now Bush is stealing the Democrats plan for the war by establishing “Benchmarks” and “Timelines”. Another way of saying the same thing is “Let’s establish dates for withdrawing troops”.
Raising Taxes – The GOP has reduced taxes for the wealthy while they continue their out of control spending on Pork Barrel projects. Now the Nation is in debt up to their eye balls, with no plan for balancing the budget. One of the techniques the GOP uses is to pass legislation like No Child Left Behind, and The Wall between Mexico and the U.S., and not fully funding them.
lib•er•al (l b r- l, l b r l)
a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor.
b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
4. Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.
a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman.
b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.
1. A person with liberal ideas or opinions.
2. Liberal A member of a Liberal political party.
ETYMOLOGY: Middle English, generous, from Old French, from Latin l ber lis, from l ber, free; see leudh- in Indo-European roots
lib er•al•ly (Adverb), lib er•al•ness (Noun)
liberal , bounteous , bountiful , freehanded , generous , handsome , munificent , openhanded
These adjectives mean willing or marked by a willingness to give unstintingly: a liberal backer of the arts; a bounteous feast; bountiful compliments; a freehanded host; a generous donation; a handsome offer; a munificent gift; fond and openhanded grandparents. See also Synonyms at broad-minded.
Antonym: stingy